life made simple______


Monday, June 25, 2007

it's cleared

it's cleared

yesterday was a tiring day, mayb it's tat i didnt had enough sleep. reached home at 2 and woke up at 7 plus. went to bowled the charity bowl by lions club. it's a team event. me cp brandon and kunlong. we were like all bowling damn lousy la. actually not only us. wx they all oso didn't bowl well. haha! the lanes are tough. had lunch der as they provide buffet. cp went to with his family to celebrate his birthday, so i was left alone. rotted at the alley with paul and started talking about someone. i didn't know he tinks that way too. haha!

took a bus down to spgg and i fell aslp on the way there. it's like a bloody 1 hr trip man! haha! luckily i woke up in time if nt i sure miss the stop. waited for kok and he's late!!! so i took a bus down to clementi to grab a bite. the chicken rice was like how pathetic la. i can count the no. of slices la! luckily it's only $2.50 if not i sure make noise. haha! went to get bubble tea, and bubble is at clementi is now $1.50!!!! rahh... not going my way. cos i'm already broke. i didn't know the charity bowl is like $300 per team, which means we have to pay $75 per person for 3 games!! heart pain!! $25/game!!

this thing cost me $1.50 now la! haha!

okay, went back to spgg and bowled with kok and wendy. nt bad, wendy improve already. (; the driller good. oopss.. hahah! went clementi for dinner and headed to kok house and dad came to pick me. had bak ku teh at hm. shiok.. i went to bed like straight after dinner la. and woke up at 10 plus. (:

hey u, tat's right! u! haha! thanks for accompanying me last night! (: and dun be crazy over that jm la, i see him everytime i look into the mirror. hahah! :p anyway, u can't see this till next weekend. (: tc.

jie, hope u r alright already. good that u've ppl to accompany u. if u were to need my company, dun hesitate to give me a call k! (: hugs.

and this is to you, now everything is cleared i think. so that's the thing u ask if cp had told me. there's nthing else i can do now but to wish u all the best. anyway i'll be going ns soon so i hope this won't be bothering me. tc.


wo zhi dao gu shi bu hui tai qu zhe
wo zhong hui yu jian yi ge she me ren
pei wo guo mei you le ta de ren sheng
chen jia li ye zhi lei de deng deng

ta zuo le ta jue de dui de xuan zhe
wo zhi hao zhu fu ta zhen de dui le
ai bu dao wo zhui xiang yao ai de ren
shui hai neng yao wo zhen yang neh

wo ai de ren bu shi wo de ai ren
ta xin li mei yi chun dou shu yu ling yi ge ren

ta zhen xing fu xing fu de zhen can ren
rang wo you ai you hen ta de ai zhe me na me shen
wo ai de ren ta yi you le ai ren
cong ta men de yan shen shuo ming le wo bu ke neng
mei dang ting jian ta huo ta shuo wo men
jiu xiang ting jian ai qing yong heng de chao xiao sheng


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