Wednesday, June 27, 2007
dun cry jie...
went to bowl at night ard 10pm with ian. he says my second step got problem. so sad. have to continue training on that. ):
jie, i'll settle the things for u k? so dun tink too much about it. (:
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
happy bday cp
went for dinner after training with dad and mum before i head for kok house. we gave cp a surprise, chanel handbags and that's my intention. it was quite well planned cos i've got brandon to settle all the internal affairs in school. (: it went on smoothly and they use the cake on cp face. it's the usual game la. haha.
went back home at around 1015.
seeing the 2 of u so close there's like nthing much left for me. wo ai de ren, ta yi you le ai ren, chong ta men de yan shen shuo ming le wo bu ke neng... stay happy always...
Monday, June 25, 2007
it's cleared
yesterday was a tiring day, mayb it's tat i didnt had enough sleep. reached home at 2 and woke up at 7 plus. went to bowled the charity bowl by lions club. it's a team event. me cp brandon and kunlong. we were like all bowling damn lousy la. actually not only us. wx they all oso didn't bowl well. haha! the lanes are tough. had lunch der as they provide buffet. cp went to with his family to celebrate his birthday, so i was left alone. rotted at the alley with paul and started talking about someone. i didn't know he tinks that way too. haha!
took a bus down to spgg and i fell aslp on the way there. it's like a bloody 1 hr trip man! haha! luckily i woke up in time if nt i sure miss the stop. waited for kok and he's late!!! so i took a bus down to clementi to grab a bite. the chicken rice was like how pathetic la. i can count the no. of slices la! luckily it's only $2.50 if not i sure make noise. haha! went to get bubble tea, and bubble is at clementi is now $1.50!!!! rahh... not going my way. cos i'm already broke. i didn't know the charity bowl is like $300 per team, which means we have to pay $75 per person for 3 games!! heart pain!! $25/game!!
okay, went back to spgg and bowled with kok and wendy. nt bad, wendy improve already. (; the driller good. oopss.. hahah! went clementi for dinner and headed to kok house and dad came to pick me. had bak ku teh at hm. shiok.. i went to bed like straight after dinner la. and woke up at 10 plus. (:
hey u, tat's right! u! haha! thanks for accompanying me last night! (: and dun be crazy over that jm la, i see him everytime i look into the mirror. hahah! :p anyway, u can't see this till next weekend. (: tc.
jie, hope u r alright already. good that u've ppl to accompany u. if u were to need my company, dun hesitate to give me a call k! (: hugs.
and this is to you, now everything is cleared i think. so that's the thing u ask if cp had told me. there's nthing else i can do now but to wish u all the best. anyway i'll be going ns soon so i hope this won't be bothering me. tc.
wo zhi dao gu shi bu hui tai qu zhe
wo zhong hui yu jian yi ge she me ren
pei wo guo mei you le ta de ren sheng
chen jia li ye zhi lei de deng deng
ta zuo le ta jue de dui de xuan zhe
wo zhi hao zhu fu ta zhen de dui le
ai bu dao wo zhui xiang yao ai de ren
shui hai neng yao wo zhen yang neh
wo ai de ren bu shi wo de ai ren
ta xin li mei yi chun dou shu yu ling yi ge ren
ta zhen xing fu xing fu de zhen can ren
rang wo you ai you hen ta de ai zhe me na me shen
wo ai de ren ta yi you le ai ren
cong ta men de yan shen shuo ming le wo bu ke neng
mei dang ting jian ta huo ta shuo wo men
jiu xiang ting jian ai qing yong heng de chao xiao sheng
Sunday, June 24, 2007
i'm here for u..
today was a tiring day, cos i reached home at only 2? david drag me to bowl with him la. and i've to wake up like 8 plus to go training. we bowled like a 6 games series. the top 2 will den proceed into the stepladder. the 'top' 2 came from my lane la! and tat's me and benji. haha! we are really screwed today. ben's screwed by the lanes and i'm screwed by myself. david says i need to change a brain. ): ceddy wins again, third win! congrats. (:
went lunch and headed back to the shop. it was like how quiet till the time when i was about to leave. i dunno wad happened next.
dad picked me up and we headed for nsrcc, my aunt has a chalet der. we're on our way when my bro called me to buy some orange syrup. mum called too. chanel handbags and was like asking wad to buy. so i was like a bit irritated, so i just said, 'aiya i buy the whole NTUC over la!' hahah! so bad. hahah! played mj at the chalet. i made like how big la, but nv game, ): win 5 bucks, but mum took it. when bowling with my cousins and i was suppose to teach them. i can't believe gary was like how serious la! i like! haha! joey falls asleep in the alley cos she was too young to bowl. haha! damn cute!
bowled like 2 games and we stopped. send ah ma and ah gong home and here i am! (:
Friday, June 22, 2007
a sudden rush of emotions. jie so nice. she doesn't want a pressie from me, want me to save the money for myself to enjoy before ns. so touched. but no worries, i can manage! (: jie has been damn nice to me, got me a watch for my bday, and i can't think of anything for her... ):
thinking about it, there's nothing that i can spent money on. it's either at the proshop or bowling. so why do i need money? i suddenly feel tat i need ppl. i need ppl who are really willing to spent time with me. david always say, go down and work la, oso nobody date u. thinking thru it, it's quite true. i've been asking someone out but it's always in vain. true enough, there's like nthing much for me to do. when's the last time i step into a theatre? when's the last time i walk around in shopping centres? seriously, louis vuitton handbags can't recall. think back, the number of shows that i've watched my whole life is not even the no. of shows kok can watch in a month! i used to have jie to watch with me, but since she's with teh lan, she'll most probably watch it with him. i understand. i oso paiseh to ask her to watch with me la. mum gave me complimentary tickets, and i sold it.
sorry ppl that i'm emo-ing... but... ya.. good night world.. (:
plaza park royal
today is full of chocolates... woke up at 8 plus and rotted on the bed till like 2? haha! mummy bought zhui kuay for me as breakfast. i ate at 11 plus before i went to slp again. meeting shereen at 5 to shop for jie pressie before we head for plaza park royal for our buffet dinner. so i didn't take lunch. only tool a yan yan, chocolate flavour. went to bugis and while i was waiting for shereen, there's this fountain at bugis filled with kids, drenched. they're having fun, at a shopping centre, wad a place to play with water. haha! i wonder how r they going to get home all wet? hahaha.

so met them at the macs which i went to get an apple pie before i got gastric problem again. (: we walked to the hotel... and guess wad, i'm like complaining the whole journey der la, cos i wanted to take a cab down. haha! i wasn't that far though. haha!
we had a super full dinner. ate tempura ebi, pineapple rice, sweet & sour pork, ginger chicken, egg prata, durian prata (it's like how strong la), cakes and the CHOCOLATE FONDUE!!! haha! i took like alot la... haha! din manage to get a cake der. ): jie suggested to play mahjong so we took her car to her house cos she wanted to change before we head down to my house! hehe. mun ting was so nice that she created a slideshow for jie and even bought a cake all the way to my house! (: so nice of her! (: guess wad's the cake?!? CHOCOLATE AGAIN! haha! i'm going to avoid that for like a week man! haha!
faizal took like all my vitasoy la! haha! din't win at first but near the end i game a big one! win $8. hehe! oh ya, i got so irritated by ppl on the train lo. they didnt do anything wrong, but i was just super irritated by the noise. chanel handbags there's 3 malay guys talking like quite loudly and i dun understand a single word they say. plus one of them has irritating laughter! argg.. and there's like 2 pandas speaking loudly lo, i just got pissed by tat. pms la me. haha!
jie - hope u had fun today, i'll get u a pressie i promise. (: i know u waiting for me to sing ya a song!! haha.. get prepared for it! (: hugs.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
happy birthday mummy & jie...
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to mummy
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to jie jie
today is the birthday of mummy and jie jie. all the best to the 2 of them! love ya lots! (:
mummy - this song is for you...
seem to be so long
you must carry on
you're not alone
when all hope is gone
everything seems wrong
don't be put upon
i am here for you
when you've nowhere to turn to
and no one to run to
i'll always be there by your side
i'll turn night into day
i'll keep dragons at bay
i'll do magic to turn wrong to right
i'll be your superstar
i'll be your light at the end of the tunnel
no matter how far or how high the bar
i will come flying thru barriers and hurdles
to be your superstar
i'll be your knight and your guardian angel
no matter how hard the obstacles are
now and forever
i'll be your superstar
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
it's getting smaller
it has been quite a boring day. i woke up like how early can. played warcraft for a while, and ppl can u believe it tat i play warcraft?!? haha! went out to eat lunch and i walk one big round just for a cup of bubble tea. hehe. chanel handbags came back and rot awhile before i head for bukit batok csc. went to bowl alone.. it's too expensive for me to travel down to meet ian (seow) to bowl, and also too ex for him to travel to westwood. so yea..

oh ya, my neighbours' cat is like damn cute la. he was like sun-tanning when i was going for my lunch la. hahha! the corridor was like in shade only one part with sun. and he was lying down der la. hahah!
it's getting clearer
yesterday was my working day again. did 2 recon but got no sales. i was like damn tiring to do recon cos the spinning machine is place at a corner on the floor, and i have to sit on a ball to do the recon. after 2 balls my back and ass hurts. ): and i seriously think i'll need to bring a bottle of moisturizer down, cos the coverstock of the balls are making my hand super dry after i do the recon. my skin start to split already, partly becos of my bowling. i applied skin patch and i use puff ball, so it's like how dry. no choice.
close shop at 10 and took a cab down to spgg to pick david up and went westbowl. not bad the alley, chanel handbags but it's not well maintain cos the approach is like how dirty and there's like no backend. the staff, omg, attitude sia. if i were to be the GM i sure SACK SACK SACK! haha! bowled like 3 games and went off walking round the club. that place can't even take a cab la, super ulu although it's like right beside AYE. took 197 to jurong and change cab down to plaza bowl to look for uncle denny, and so nice, we reached there they are going for supper, so finally i got food! haha! had like porridge with 6 dishes. but me and david was like not enough, so we ordered AGAIN. haha! came back at ard 230.
was suppose to play kong kong with audrey la. haha. nvm today den play with u the lame game. hahah!
/edit oh ya, the stupid Ian (seow) make me bring my bowling balls down to the shop for nothing.. say wanna come in the end ps me!! arg!!! nvm la! luckily i bring those ball that i need to do something to down. haha. so smart! hehe. :D
Monday, June 18, 2007

Sunday, June 17, 2007
my ball!!!

Saturday, June 16, 2007
dou huaa...
hope u had a nice day, good night! (:
Thursday, June 14, 2007
at work

phew, finally i can sit down and rest while having my dinner. i've been busy since the moment i step into the shop. drilled a ball, cut all the replugging, recon a ball and do the replugging. non stop. and at the mean time, a dunearn boy came down to buy a package, so spent some time entertaining him. i'm the best man, there is this tin of paint in the shop which we used to paint the drilling machine. guess wad, i accidentally whack the tin and it dropped directly into the rubbish bin la! haha! so pro can, luckily not much damange. haha! now i have throw away the whole rubbish bin. haha. luckily there were sales today, if nt i'll be called a jinx. haha!

busy busy busy...
a busy busy day ahead. woke up early to do up the drilling chart and the brochure. have to go do photocopying later before i go down to the shop in the afternoon.
what i have to do later: -
- cut all the plugging
- polish up all plugging
- complete undone plugging
- drill a ball
- recondition a ball
have a great day ahead...
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
trainin and trainin...
i'm left with 1 month...
the usual, woke up at 9plus, 10 plus and officially at 1. haha. was like lazing on the bed snoozing. haha. dunno is i damn suay or wad la, got all the suay things handbags went to eat kuay chap for lunch, and i told the auntie i only want the egg, the tofu and the meat. but... she serve me with the intestines!!! in the end i only ate like kuay with egg. arggg... waste my money, luckily it's only $2.5o.
took train to training. so i found this sit and tht can sleep to raffles place, but... the guy came sit beside me stinks!!! the ncc guy in the uniform like filled with the sweat smell la. haha. i gangster, i stood up and walk off. in order not to make him paiseh, i pretend to be alighting. haha.
training was as usual, left there to bowl for 2 hours and go back. went dinner with ceddy, jolin, nana and steffi. didn't feel like going home straight so ask raymond out to bowl. didn't expect him to come too. haha. just reached hm and my shoulders are aching.
dun tell me to be optimistic, i am already, but i'm just facing the fact tat... no it's not for me...
back at work
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
back at training...
Audrey: the cheese can ask for more one ornot?
Me: must pay one cannot la... u think pepsi meh!!!
CP: huh? Pepsi can ask for more ar?!?
*pepsi slogan is 'ASK FOR MORE'
Monday, June 11, 2007
1st SSS U18 International Championships
last one week was the 1st SSS U18 tournament, and i've been there thru' out the whole tournament. was actually scheduled to work as the Laison Officer, but was told that they dun need me and mich a week before the tournament cos they've hired larry from malaysia. but i went down even though i'm not working cos i'll be doing nothing anyway, so might as well go down and support her. but doesn't seems to help either.
oh ya, the first day was actually the official practise, so i dunno wad i can do la. haha. second day i was der thru out and something happened. so mike ask me to help him as the chief lane marshall so that the same situation wouldn't happen. i accepted it cos it's better than doing nothing.
wei xiang shot a Perfect Game on the last day of the qualifying, and it's the first game of that day!! haha! CONGRATS WEI XIANG! (: i was like behind since his first strike la. haha! the event ended on friday after prize presentation at the poolside. Mark came in 3rd after losing at the stepladder to IT. haha! Congrats Mark! (: everyone wasn't sure where to go after tat, chanel handbags finally after a long long drag, decided to go ktv! haha! dinner at burger king and went over to party world at cuppage plaza. ppl went were... cp, kun long, pom, anthea, audrey, thai guy (forget his name) oops. and me. haha! i feel rather old though. haha. we had emo sessions la. ended at 11 plus and send pom to basil house and cp home.
training next morning at victor's. 10am.
went to cut my hair after training. everyone didn't notice i got my hair cut la! waste of money. went home to get my stuffs and headed for sentosa, one degree 15! a yacht club! CP having his bday party on a YACHT!! YES! u didn't see wrongly! that's like how fun! though there was nthing much to do there, it's a great place for emo-sation. haha! rotting on the boat till dinner. went to watch the musical fountain and it's nt really tat nice la. oh ya, and we squeeze in the car to get there, 6 ppl at the back sits.. haha.. shaun was like on my lap and anthea was like pulling my leg hair la!! haha! went back and i get to my emo place, listening to music and charging my phone. the last time before i fall asleep i saw my watch, it was like 230am. but i was woke up by cp at 3 la!! omg, i tht i slept for sometime already but it's only half an hour! started cai quan so that someone would drink the absolute vodka la. i did a good mix with peach tea and 7up and audrey just can't stop drinking. haha!! cp can't mix! haha! and he can't drink. he was like cannot stand straight at all la. haha! they went to catch the sunrise without me... ):
woke up and rot till 'brunch' which cp's mum ordered. it's super ex. a plate of fries, a plate of nuggets, a plate of sausage and a plate of prawn fitters cost like $170!!! and the plate of sausage is like $75? vincent just attack that. haha! left the boat and went on ktv at the club!! everyone is like damn tired la... hahha..bas pom and edlyn came back. but they didn't sing la. bas falls aslp too. haha
dinner at vivo carl's jr. bas can eat man! we are like the first to finish la. haha. walked ard and headed to cp house cos he wanted to bowl. so went to watch him bowl till like 11 plus before i get home. fell aslp real soon....
i didn't talk to her though i saw her everyday the whole week. i dunno how to start, and i've got a bad feeling... she's like so close to so many others. she's like smiling while sms-ing... i dunno... guess it's not for me... suddenly a urge to ask....
Monday, June 04, 2007
Seems to be so long
You must carry on
You're not alone
When all hope is gone
Everything seems wrong
Don't feel put upon
I am here for you
When you've nowhere to turn to
And no one to run to
I'll always be there by your side.
I'll turn night into day
I'll keep dragons at bay
I'll do magic to turn wrong to right
I'll be your superstar
I'll be your light at the end of the tunnel
No matter how far or how high the bar
I will come flying thru' barriers and hurdles
To be your superstar
I'll be your knight and your guardian angel
No matter how hard the obstacles are
Now and forever,
I'm your superstar
When the night is dark
And the odds are stark
You must still take heart
I'll be here for you
When you've nothing to cling to
And no one to love you
I'll always be there by your side
I'll still find a way
I'll make all things okay
Walk on water to turn back the tide