Sunday, July 29, 2007
fFUCK!! i'm booking in today!! hate it! irritating!! i want to be PM and abolish this stupid national service. arg!! pardon me for so vulgar today. argg...
days at the BMTC pass super slowly, can't help cursing and swearing at that stupid place. one more week and i'm going field camp. can't imagine myself rolling around in the mud and getting super dirty and can't shower for like 6 days! argg...
Thursday, July 12, 2007
last day
end of chapter
today is the last day i'll be able to enjoy myself, after which, i'll be spending 2 weeks in tekong camp. rather reluctant to lose all the freedom, but i'm expecting to learn lots of things during national service. had already packed up my stuffs, replica watches but still thinking whether i shld be bringing my ipod along. it's not a ban item but i'm afraid of it being stolen. (:
went kbox with yq, liyu and xiao si yesterday. time passes damn fast la, time's up before we even notice it. yq shared quite a bit of his ns life with me and i tink it has inspired me to chiong. but still have to depends on the situation.
saw the asian schools results, and bern did quite well! go bern! (: i was trying to watch spiderman 3 yesterday, but it seems that i'm not fated to watch it. cos the disc hang on me halfway thru the show. so sad. ): mayb it's not meant to be... there's nthing for me to do today... just enjoy my stay at home.
went kbox with yq, liyu and xiao si yesterday. time passes damn fast la, time's up before we even notice it. yq shared quite a bit of his ns life with me and i tink it has inspired me to chiong. but still have to depends on the situation.
saw the asian schools results, and bern did quite well! go bern! (: i was trying to watch spiderman 3 yesterday, but it seems that i'm not fated to watch it. cos the disc hang on me halfway thru the show. so sad. ): mayb it's not meant to be... there's nthing for me to do today... just enjoy my stay at home.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
be strong
be strong
today is my 2nd last day at home before my enlistment. suddenly got a suan suan feeling, a feeling that i will miss the life of a civilian, the life at home, the environment and everything else that i've been having all these years. ns is a big change, going thru' might be tough sometimes but it's a good experience i suppose.
i'll be enlisting in 2 days time and mum will be going for her ops on sat. for those who dunno what illness my mum is going thru or rather had been going thru, it's complicated. in short, it's cancer. and recently the liver has been infected or something liddat. so this sat ops will be putting a pipe in and doing kimo. it's painful i know. i won't be around with her. actually i've found out of her illness quite sometime ago, and i dun wan or rather dunno how to face it. i've been avoiding it. always trying to get out of it. and now, i feel rather guilty. chanel handbags just hope she'll get thru this time round. god pls bless her... i've told ppl that i've attended the poly graduation ceremony becos of my parents, and someone told me, "ya cos your parents scared that they might not have another chance." wad actually this person means is that i might not have the capability to get into university and graduate from der. but inside me i was thinking, 'yes they are scared, or rather she is scared that she might not have the chance to see me graduate from uni, not becos i can't get in or something, but she might not live to see it." )': haiz. i didn't realised i'm so concern about it till now. ):
i'm going to training later at 4. it'll be my last training before ns. and i hope after the 2 weeks in camp will make me forget about all the bad habits in my bowling and start afresh. get everything in place and so on. i will! kbox after training. haha! had been k box-ing quite often. but this time is for yq cos i wasn't able to attend his bday party. so sorry bro. gonna pack up everything by tonight.
please protect her thru this critical moments.. i'm willing to do anything...
i'm going to training later at 4. it'll be my last training before ns. and i hope after the 2 weeks in camp will make me forget about all the bad habits in my bowling and start afresh. get everything in place and so on. i will! kbox after training. haha! had been k box-ing quite often. but this time is for yq cos i wasn't able to attend his bday party. so sorry bro. gonna pack up everything by tonight.
please protect her thru this critical moments.. i'm willing to do anything...
men's talk
men's talk
it's quite a busy day today. i met up with ppl that i've nt met for quite sometime. woke up like how early today, at least earlier den usual, and went to wheelock place to get my phone repaired. there's something wrong with the handset that i can't hear the other party. with the tht that by getting there early, i do not need to wait. but.... i reached there and saw the shocking number. there was 39 ppl infront of me. omg!! the estimated waiting time was like 70 mins. so i ended up sitting der for abt 2 hrs.
just nice, i was meeting my ah bu, ms ang liyu, to get yq's pressie. so she went der to meet me instead. (: we shop like how fast la. got the pressie in 1/2 hr time? haha.. so we ended up walking around, slacking and talking. (: had crystal jade for lunch. she ate the whole long of xiao longbao! haha! i was like too full to eat the one and only xiao long bao. hahah! slacked with her till time that she need to meet up with her poly fren to celebrate one's bday. so i went back home.
KONG KONG! with drey and cp. hahah. until that i forgotten the time for supper. YES AUDREY, i went supper again!~ hahah! we arranged to meet at upper thomson, so i went down on a cab cos kok sends wendy home. and guess wad, replica watches was cheated!!! cab fare was like $12 and we went somewhere else for supper la!! wth!! had some men's talk. it feels so great talking to these 2 buddies, updating about our lives and everything. but somethings really amazed me. come to think of it, i'm the only single person. hahah! i'm quite envy of their lifes though, but there are oso good things about being single. (: so just let nature take its course den. (:
kok's flying off tmr for perth to visit his bro. YI LU SHUN FENG! take care! i'll see u guys when i get out of camp! it's great talking to u guys! enjoy your trip!
just came back, and i borrowed like 3 dvds from ken. haha! finally i get to watch SPIDERMAN 3! and i can watch it MYSELF. (:
Monday, July 09, 2007
4 days
running out
omg! i found my long lost brother! elmo!! hahah!!
today is a boring day... had training in the afternoon.. den went to get my ns stuffs. almost done. ns had cease my motivation to train. cos wadever i do now is redundant. it will be back to square one when i get enlisted. and no matter how well i bowl now, chanel handbags i'll nv make it into the asian youth squad, not even get promoted to the intermediate squad. ): and my phone is spoiled! ): i can't hear anything from the handset. need to go repair tmr. ): i wanted to get the E65. shld i buy and put at home, and just use it when i book out? hmm.. thinking aloud. haha!
omg! i found my long lost brother! elmo!! hahah!!
3 days
take care
i've not blogged for a few days.. here's some updates. saturday, went bowling alone at csc. omg, something wrong with my bowling, i really dun feel good. ): but nvm la, i oso going ns already, even if i were to bowl 250 avg now oso no use already. oso not going asian youth. ): talking about ns, i'm left with 3 days. this is really fast. it was 2 months ago when i receive my enlistment letter. came back and i realised that i was suppose to do duty for the mobile lanes la. just changed and head off to the suntec.
we are to re-rack the pins for ppl to bowl la. it was like how boring. but to past time, we help with pin carry. haha. anyone can spare with our help! haha! so pro. theodor's jeans was like how nice la. u can find out below! haha!
headed home for mahjong with kok, jin and roger. the long time mahjong kahki. haha. david came at ard midnight with james. james is like how tired la. walking zombie. come all the way to sleep la. haha! they bought supper down and i realised aunty had great chilli man! haha! mahjong till 4 plus and i'm super tired...
Friday, July 06, 2007
no more...
all the best in ur future undertakings!! hope to see you all soon... (:
yesterday was a really boring day, cos i had to work. went down to proshop with my love contract, and watched like 3 episode cos when i reached episode 14, i can't play la. the file got prob. den came home at around 830. that's all i did yesterday. haha. well done rite. no plans for today yet. (:
i was a bit chicken move when watch the show. there's this irritating guy who tries damn hard to be with the girl who already has a guy that she likes. omg! who the hell on earth would want to destroy the happiness of the girl he likes. isn't love about giving the other party happiness. does it matter if the guy beside her is u? no! it's not about being with her. it's about seeing her with the person who will give her happiness. since she's already so happy cos of the other guy, why would u want to do things that will break them apart. isn't that making the girl dishearten? so u're trying to say that you'll be happy to see her upset? omg! what the hell la! sorry, was rather chicken move. haha!
i was a bit chicken move when watch the show. there's this irritating guy who tries damn hard to be with the girl who already has a guy that she likes. omg! who the hell on earth would want to destroy the happiness of the girl he likes. isn't love about giving the other party happiness. does it matter if the guy beside her is u? no! it's not about being with her. it's about seeing her with the person who will give her happiness. since she's already so happy cos of the other guy, why would u want to do things that will break them apart. isn't that making the girl dishearten? so u're trying to say that you'll be happy to see her upset? omg! what the hell la! sorry, was rather chicken move. haha!
bern - hey! u'll be flying off tmr already for your asian schools. good luck and enjoy ya trip k! (: confirm got shopping session one, rmb to get me something! hehe! hongkong so fun, i wish i can go but i can't cos ns!!! arg!! alright, i'll see you when i'm out of tekong! (: take care!
wx - hey jiao! go der must bowl well, dun let ppl have chance to see u no up k! dun bowl likr me (kuku) can liao! hahah! alright! take care and enjoy the trip! (:
you - i know you won't be reading what i'm writing but this is it. i felt a sudden xin suan when i was writing you that sms. i know there won't be any reply from you. or mayb i only have a 20% expectation that u will reply, at least a 'thank you' or something. but true enough, u didn't. nvm abt tat. louis vuitton handbags rmb u said u will go out with me before my enlistment. that was like mayb 2 months ago. weeks passes by and u always had good reasons that u can't make it. and now, you'll be leaving for asian schools like how soon and i'll be in tekong when u r back. seems like whatever thing u said is say say only la. and u know wad, i didn't watch spiderman3 at all. guess it's not meant to be ba. anyway, good luck and enjoy your trip der ba. take care.
Monday, July 02, 2007
u hesitated & i'm disappointed

by the time i end, i was already late to meet that bday girl. oopss. hehe. so headed home to bathe and everything before leaving for cine. went singing and me and kun long are the only one singing la. AUDREY IS NV SINGING INTO THE MIC! haha! denise had to left early, so she didn't really enjoy that session much i suppose. anthea and ian came later. chanel handbags they went ddr after singing la. i was like super duper hungry so me and ian went for dinner without them. hehe. played like the staring and no laughing game. omg, i'm damn pro at it. audreyy improved already la... she says she can do it damn well if her opponent is kun long. ahah. played zhong ji mi ma after tat and everyone got sabotaged. hahah!

hahah! okay, started my day with a funbowl. was told to meet for breakfast at like 830am at bb macs. i reached like at 820 la. so i waited and waited, suddenly stomach ache, which like need the toilet damn badly. the macs is like 2 storey and the toilet is located at the 2nd level. the main thing is that i've got like 5 bowling balls with me, how am i suppose to go up to the loo?!!?! hahah! roger is the best, called him at 815, he say he at home, coming out soon. so i tahan , wait for him to be der to look after my bowling ball nt becos ppl might steal it but becos i scared ppl tht i want to bomb the place. haha! but i called him again at 845, he's still at home!! wth la!! haha luckily felicia's dad drove in and i managed to get him to look after my bag of awhile. hehe.
funbowl wasn't that fantastic, lots of known bowlers were der, ppl like andy lai, andrew lee etc. i started off damn bad, a 154 but ended up with a 200 avg. i bet pin 7 for the last game la, and i got 2! hehe. that gives me a $12 profit. i wanted to bet my last shot for $5 la, but the bookie went off. and it stand. ): wasted. came in 14th and got back only $25.
by the time i end, i was already late to meet that bday girl. oopss. hehe. so headed home to bathe and everything before leaving for cine. went singing and me and kun long are the only one singing la. AUDREY IS NV SINGING INTO THE MIC! haha! denise had to left early, so she didn't really enjoy that session much i suppose. anthea and ian came later. chanel handbags they went ddr after singing la. i was like super duper hungry so me and ian went for dinner without them. hehe. played like the staring and no laughing game. omg, i'm damn pro at it. audreyy improved already la... she says she can do it damn well if her opponent is kun long. ahah. played zhong ji mi ma after tat and everyone got sabotaged. hahah!
Sunday, July 01, 2007
march past
today we said goodbye to our national stadium. it was the closing march past for the national stadium which will be tear down and rebuild.
Lights out after the whole ceremony. drank and 'dance'. i seriously i can't dance. ): bern's daddy sent me to clementi mrt and i cabbed home.
all the best for ur future undertakings! (: seeya tmr! (:
today we said goodbye to our national stadium. it was the closing march past for the national stadium which will be tear down and rebuild.
there's like a problem with everyone today, cos everyone is taking cab. i waited like 30mins for cab in the afternoon and every 10m along the road, u can see one person flagging for cab. it took me 40 mins to reach csc lo. traffic jam. ceddy came to pick me up to go for the march past.
we watched the soccer match between singapore and aust, halfway and we were asked to gather at the gate for the march past. it was like 830 den, and we only walked out at like 10? waste my time. rahh...